Basic Procedure for Creating a Webform

This page outlines the basic procedure for creating a Webform and adding it to the website. The procedure includes:

  1. Creating the Webform
  2. Creating the page that will hold the Webform
  3. Creating the confirmation page that displays after a website visitor submits the form
  4. Creating the email message that is sent to the website visitor who submitted the form and configuring the form to send this email
  5. Creating the email message that is sent to the moderator of the form and configuring the form to send this email
  6. Setting the form's availability on the website

Step 1: Create the page that will hold the Webform

  1. Create a new page using the Webform template
  2. Enter the introductory content into the Body WYSIWYG
    • Should include a message on what denotes required fields
    • Should include any special directions for filling out the form
  3. If the form page is within a site section, use the MENU SETTINGS field in the right column to place the page within the section
  4. Uncheck the Published check box
  5. Save the page

Step 2: Create the confirmation page

  • Create a new page using the Content template
  • Enter the confirmation messaging into the Body WYSIWYG
  • If the page is within a site section, use the MENU SETTINGS field in the right column to place the page within the section
  • To exclude the page from the site’s XML sitemap
    • Expand the SIMPLE XML SITEMAP field in the right column
    • Expand Default
    • Select the Do not index option
  • Uncheck the Published check box
  • Save the page
  • View the page and copy the path following

Step 3: Create the Webform

  1. Go to Structure > Webforms
  2. Click Add Webform
  3. Enter the Title and Administrative Description
  4. Click Save button

Step 4: Build the form fields

  1. Click Add Element
  2. Select the type of form field to add
  3. Configure the field using the panel on the right side of the screen
    1. Max length setting under FORM DISPLAY
    2. Required field setting under FORM VALIDATION
  4. Click Save button at the bottom of the panel
  5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for each form field
  6. Click Edit on the Submit buttons line (CMS adds submit button automatically)
    1. In the panel on the right side of the screen, enter the text for the button into the Submit button label field
  7. Click Save button at the bottom of the panel

Step 5: Set the form to redirect to the confirmation page

  1. Click the Settings tab
  2. Click Confirmation
  3. Under CONFIRMATION TYPE, select the URL (redirects to a custom path or URL) option
  4. Expand the CONFIRMATION EMAIL area
  5. Paste the path of the confirmation page into the Confirmation URL field
  6. Click the Save button

Step 6: Set up the form to send an email to the submitter

  1. Click the Settings tab
  2. Click Emails/Handlers
  3. Click the Add Email button
  4. Configure the settings in the panel on the right side of the screen
    1. In the SEND TO area, select the email address in the To email field
      1. To use the value of the Email field in the form, locate the field of the ELEMENTS section of the options
    2. In the MESSAGE area update the following
      1. In the Subject menu, select the Custom subject… option
      2. In the text field that displays below the Subject menu, enter the email subject line
      3. In the Body field, select the Custom Body option
      4. Enter the custom confirmation message into the WYSIWYG editor
        1. To include the value of a form field, use this format:
          The last portion of the format is the KEY value of the form field
  5. Click the Save button at the bottom of the panel

Step 7: Set up the form to send an email to the form moderator

  1. Click the Settings tab
  2. Click Emails/Handlers
  3. Click the Add Email button
  4. Configure the settings in the panel on the right side of the screen
    1. In the SEND TO area, select the email address in the Custom To email address field
      1. In the text field that displays below the To email menu, enter the email address (for multiple addresses, use a comma separator)
    2. In the MESSAGE area update the following
      1. In the Subject menu
        1. Use the default option to use a subject line that uses general text + Title of page the Webform is in
          Webform submission from: Z Sample Request MBA Program Information
        2. Select the Custom subject… option to use a custom subject
        3. In the text field that displays below the Subject menu, enter the email subject line
      2. In the Body field, set the content of the email
        1. To use the default message that lists the values of the form fields, select the Default option
        2. To use a custom message, select the content of the email Custom Body option
        3. Enter the custom message into the WYSIWYG editor
        4. To include the value of a form field, use this format:
          The last portion of the format is the KEY value of the form field
      3. To exclude any fields that have not been filled in, check the Exclude empty elements check box
      4. To exclude check box form elements that have not been checked, check the Exclude unselected checkboxes check box
  5. Click the Save button at the bottom of the panel

Step 8: Pull the form into the page created in Step 1

  1. Open the page that will hold the form
  2. In the Webform field, select the form

Step 9: Set the form’s availability on the website

  1. Open the page that will hold the form
  2. Expand the WEBFORM SETTINGS area
  3. To have the form be visible on the page, select the Open option
  4. To have the form visible for a certain period, select the Scheduled option
    1. Enter the Open and Close dates
    2. After the Close date has been reached, the form will not display on the page; a message displays in its place
  5. Click the Save button

Step 10: Publish the Webform page and the Confirmation page

  1. Open the page that will hold the form
  2. Check the Published check box
  3. Click the Save button
  4. Open the confirmation message page
  5. Check the Published check box
  6. Click the Save button