LR Experience Component Page (Taxonomy)

This page shows an example of the My LR Experience (Taxonomy) page component. This component pulls in the LR Experience Components based on their taxonomy term assignments.

To see how the LR Experience Components are pulled in, open this page for editing.

Open the My LR Experience (Taxonomy) page component for editing. The taxonomy terms assigned under the Audience and Campus

When this page is accessed, one LR Experience Component that matches the taxonomy selections is randomly selected and displayed. 

Relationships when selecting from multiple taxonomy groups

  • Within a taxonomy group, an OR relationship is used
    • This means that an item only has to be assigned to any one of the terms selected to be eligible to be pulled in
    • More selections = more items available to be pulled in
  • Across taxonomy groups, an AND relationship is used
    • This means that an item must be assigned to at least one of the terms in each group to be eligible to be pulled in
    • More selections = fewer items available to be pulled in
Estefanny Villar-Matamoros

It can be overwhelming and intimidating in STEM, but our College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics is dedicated to the success of students. The energy and people are amazing.

Estefanny Villar-Matamoros '20, Pre-Medical Science