Summer Youth Music Camp
Providing opportunities for youth to enhance their musical talents through instruction by professional clinicians.
Join Lenoir-Rhyne as we host our 12th annual Summer Youth Music Camps for middle school and high school students Monday-Friday, July 14-18, 2025.
Both the Choir and Band Camp are schedule on these dates. Both camps are housed in the Mauney Music Building, located on LR's Hickory campus.
Register for a Summer Youth Music CampProgram Highlights

- Campers have the option of the traditional day camp or a residential camp
- The cost for day campers is $245, which includes instruction, five lunches in the LR dining hall, and a camp T-shirt
- The cost for overnight campers is $475. This fee Includes all of the day camp benefits, as well as overnight accommodation and supervision by camp counseling staff, 14 meals, and evening entertainment or social activities.
- Daily instruction is from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Day camp students can be dropped off as early as 8am and picked up as late as 5:30 p.m. Supervision is provided at all times.
- Our choral camp is open to all, regardless of experience level. Our band camp is open to students with at least one year experience in band.
- Students will be placed in ensembles in consultation with their school band or choral director.
- Every student receives daily instruction during full ensemble (band or choir) class (two per day) – a small ensemble class, and a musicianship class.
- Registration remains open through June 15. After June 15, registrations accepted as staffing permits.
*Please note: Camp specifics and pricing subject to change.