• Commencement Information

    Happy graduation week! If you still need your rain tickets or honor cords, they will be available for you at check-in on Friday (Hickory campus).

    Student check-in is Friday at 4:30 p.m. in Shuford Arena. Guests are asked to be in their seats by 5:30 p.m.

    Any changes to the commencement schedule will be posted here. 

    Commencement Information

Actuarial Science Minor

Actuary science is where math and science come together. Combine your interest in these areas with a minor in this growing field.

Jobs in actuary science are expected to increase 18 percent in the next decade, much faster than the average for all occupations.

A minor in actuarial science allows you to blend your proficiency in math with statistical methods. You will learn to analyze and interpret statistics, weigh financial consequences and risks, and explore probability theories.

An actuarial sciences minor complements several majors, including mathematics, computer science, physics, finance and more.