Project Requests
Marketing and Communications works with campus clients to ensure successful, targeted, collaborative university marketing and communications. We do it all: strategy, planning, graphic design, content writing, photography, public and media relations, web development, social media, video and emergency communications.
All new project requests are initiated with Andrea Cavanaugh, temporary project manager for marketing and communications. She can be reached at In some instances, you may need to reach out to the following team members for assistance.
- Andrea Cavanaugh - design projects, news stories, news releases and story development
- Doug Minor - media relations and media inquiries; website content updates.
Use the web content update request form for submitting website content updates or changes.
Once a project scope has been clearly defined, marketing and communications staff will assess the requested project and provide additional information to you on project budget/costs, schedule and additional requirements.
If there are different types of marketing options available that may allow us to better meet client needs, they will be suggested. The project client contact will also be informed of all content needs before a project is scheduled.
Scheduling Projects
- After a project has been initiated and all project materials requested have been identified, the project manager will schedule the project.
- Timelines for completing projects are based on requested due dates for completion and the number of projects currently in the marketing and communications queue. Once a project schedule has been outlined, the project manager will notify the department contact of any content due dates. While an understanding of what content is needed for the project is outlined before a project is scheduled, specific needs and content due dates will be provided.
- Project schedules contain multiple milestones and are strategically put in place based on various dynamics of the individual project. The scope of a project, production complexity, and logistics involved in completing the project, are but a few factors that impact project timelines.
- Time is allotted within an individual project for proofing content, design, approval from the department contact, printing, and delivery or mailing.
- Business days are used to calculate timelines for deliverables.
Completing Projects
- Content due dates will not be changed. Late submission of content creates delays within the scheduled project and will ultimately result in late delivery of a project. If content due dates are not met, the project manager will adjust the project’s completion date accordingly.
- While urgent needs may emerge on occasion, Marketing and Communications reserves the right to deny a request if their current schedules do not allow enough time for completing projects with tight turnarounds.