Academic Excellence
Enhance our commitment to academic excellence and enrich our academic profile to increase the value of a Lenoir-Rhyne degree, resulting in an increase in net tuition revenue. This requires enhancing existing programs and investing in new programs that align with our mission.

LR is always upgrading its capabilities to provide students with cutting-edge technology and a transformational experience.
We will use technology in innovative ways to teach our students more effectively and expand our programming to meet the needs for students and employers.
Enhance Academic Profile
Develop Immersive Opportunities
Establish immersive experiences that transform the world into a laboratory for learning.
Year 1 Highlights
- Conducted review of institutional opportunities and currently analyzing them against best practices
- Updated the Literacy Center at Southwest Primary School to provide adequate space and resources to all students
Specialized Academic Experiences
Restructure and enhance high-end opportunities including honors, scholars, fellows and academic programs.
Year 1 Highlight
- Conducting review of how programs overlap and best use of resources, while a revision of our Scholars Day program was implemented
Increase Net Revenue
Revise Student Advising
Restructure student advising from academic guidance to life coaching, integrating vocation and purpose.
Year 1 Highlight
- Conducted a review of best practices with a focus on successful models at peer and aspirational institutions, while gaining a better understanding of the needs at LR
Efficiency of Faculty Resources
Benchmark LR with national data and peer institutions to establish goals for student/faculty ratio and student credit hour productivity in an effort to enhance student learning.
Year 1 Highlights
- Reviewed the current approach to faculty contracts and reassigned time, examined the results of "The Delaware Study of Costs and Productivity" conducted in early 2019 to benchmark LR data with national data and reviewed various distributed workload models.
- A recommendation for proposed faculty workload distribution will be presented in April
Expand Online Programming
Innovation & Technology
Pivot to Student-Centered Learning
Effect a shift in campus culture toward prioritizing student-centered learning, while utilizing learning designers to support faculty instruction and development.
Year 1 Highlight
- Established definition and goals, preparing to present a proposal that includes a training program
Reconceptualize Faculty Work & Rewards
Review faculty work assignments, compensation, and contracts to prioritize and incentive student-centered learning and engagement.
Year 1 Highlights
- Reviewed faculty evaluation processes with deans of all LR colleges
- Gathered feedback on the faculty evaluation process at LR and reported to the provost
- Developing a proposal to revise the faculty evaluation process
Relevant Programs
Academic Program Review
Implement a campus-wide program review process to determine viability and level of support.
Year 1 Highlights
- Created a program review process based on best practices and feedback from the campus
- The process began in August 2020
Year 2 Highlights - Complete
Redevelop LR's Academic Core
Revise and update LR’s Core Curriculum, including the convocation program, desired learning outcomes, and the integration of vocation and purpose.
Year 1 Highlights
- The Core revision team has met with eight groups of faculty and staff to discuss the undergraduate common learning goals, and we're currently reviewing the data from those listening sessions
Year 2 Highlights
Alternative Models for Learning
Year 2 Highlights