Go Beyond What’s Expected

Distinctive Identity

Lenoir-Rhyne is positioned well to become a focused, recognized leader in higher education in North Carolina and in our region.


We must create a compelling and research-informed value proposition that distinguishes Lenoir-Rhyne University and excites our university stakeholders.

  • Focused & Recognized Leader
    Data-Driven Success

    Identify and enhance outcome data, ensuring we are showcasing our successes and focusing on our goal to increase rankings and market awareness.

    Year 1 Highlight

    • Drafted final recommendation, will share with appropriate offices and the community this spring
    Celebrate Accomplishments

    Find meaningful ways to celebrate success throughout the University.

    Year 1 Highlight

    • Conducted a university audit, reviewed best practices and recommendations will be made to campus
  • Increase Donor Engagement
    Alumni Participation

    Implement an alumni engagement strategy to increase alumni giving, event attendance and overall interactions with LR.

    Year 1 Highlight

    • Conducted a review of the past work plan and a new plan with a goal of increasing our participation to 20% by 2024 has been implemented within the Office of Alumni Engagement
    Market LR Events

    Implement a creative marketing strategy to improve attendance and enhance revenue for cultural events.

    Year 1 Highlight

    • The team is working alongside Cultural Event Series to establish a plan that will effectively market our new series to the public
  • Campus & Community Engagement
    Integrate Data Systems

    Review all software utilized by the institution and ensure that all systems are being optimized.

    Year 1 Highlights

    • Completed an analysis to determine what could be a part of the university’s enterprise core
    • The core consists of three identifiable hubs: supporting students, finances and alumni/giving
    • Examination of the relationship between these hubs and where better integration would be of significant value is being done and recommendations will be submitted to the IT Governance Committee
    Redesign & Relaunch the Portal

    Improve campus communication by upgrading the portal.

    Year 1 Highlight

    • A request for proposal (RFP) has been sent to potential vendors with the goal of having a new portal launched in May 2021. Regular updates provided on the web redesign project blog.
  • Research-Informed Brand Strategy
    Consistent Web Presence

    Revamp the external website to improve user experience and effectively brand LR.

    Year 1 Highlights

    • Sent a request for proposal (RFP) to potential vendors. Selected a vendor for the project with the aim of having a new website launched in mid-October 2021. Regular updates provided on the web redesign project blog.
    Brand Confirmation

    Year 1 Highlights

    • Presentation was given to campus this past fall, and the Marketing and Communications team is working with all departments to better understand how this can be used in their daily operations

    Connect with External Media

    Year 2 Highlights

News & Events

Morgan Logan

Director of undergraduate admission Morgan Logan '15, M.A. '25, focuses on student success after the acceptance letter arrives.

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The five members of Bear With Us show the backs of their t-shirts on the stage

The members of LR's first improv comedy group invite the world to join their zany antics and laugh along with them.

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